Tuesday 7 February 2012


  1. Links Credt To Google:

    Native Future

    Our mission is to protect marginalized indigenous cultures and to help them ... worked with the Wounaan indigenous people of the Republic of Panama... support the Wounaan in their land tenure efforts through our adopt-a-hectare campaign.

    19 Dec 1997 – PANAMAINDIGENOUS PEOPLE RAISE ALARMS ABOUT . ... Kuna indigenous leader Atencio Lopez has run an international campaign ...
  3. Environmental Activities Winter 2012

    11 Jan 2012 – Performance Standard 7 recognizes that Indigenous Peoples, as social.... for September 11 (“ Campaign Update – Panama: Ngöbe Demand ...
  4. Minority Rights Group International : Panama : Panama Overview

    The biggest campaigning issue for Panama's indigenous peoples has been the struggle for land rights in the form of autonomous land reserves. . The 1972 ...
  5. History Panama Indigenous People- Kuna Indians, Embera, and ...

    Explore the history of Panama's remote indigenous people recognized in seven different tribes.
  6. Panama Culture - Panama's Native Cultures - Central America

    Panama Culture - Panama's Native Cultures including the Kuna tribe in the San ... The San Blas people have cleverly managed to retain their tribal identity and 
  7. History of Panama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The earliest artifacts discovered of indigenous peoples in Panama have .... left the isthmus on a campaign in Quito and left the Veraguan colonel in charge, the 
  8. AMAZON WATCH » Stop the Belo Monte Monster Dam

    www.amazonwatch.org › Our Work
    Considered an "obstacle" to business interests, indigenous peoples are particularly vulnerable. Mega-projects typically confront indigenous communities with ...
  9. PanamaIndigenous, Labor, Environmental Groups Need Your ...

    7 Oct 2010 – Indigenous Peoples, environmental groups and labor organizations across Panama have turned to the international community for support in ...
  10. UNHCR - Shoes campaign promotes understanding and tolerance ...

    13 Jan 2011 – To support the year-long campaignpeople literally slip into a pair of ....assists indigenous refugees in neighbouring countries like Panama, ...

    Don't Know About Welsh People Fighting Back yet, I mean really fighting back as proposed in:

    CYMRU'N CODI/WALES RISING 1 - 7/6/ 2012

    5 days ago – CYMRU'N CODI/WALES RISING 1 - 7/6/ 2012. It Is Time To March Into Our Mountains To Defend Our Heritage In The Landscape - Protesting ...

    The below was passed on to me, Hedd Gwynfor the original source.

I have more respect for a Warrior that protects life—for us, for our children and grandchildren and future generations –than for a false civilization and their interests! While newspapers and television talk about the lives of celebrities, ...the chief of the Kayapo tribe received the worst news of his life: Dilma, 'The new president of Brazil, has given approval to build a huge hydroelectric plant (the third largest in the world).It is the death sentence for all the people near the river because the dam will flood 400,000 hectares of forest. More than 40,000 Indians will have to find another place to live. The natural habitat destruction, deforestation and the disappearance of many species is a fact. 'What moves me in my very bowels , making me ashamed of being part of Western culture, is the reaction of the chief of the Kayapo community when he learned of the decision—his gesture of dignity and helplessness before the advance of capitalist progress, modern predatory civilization that does not respect the differences ...But we know that a picture is worth a thousand words, showing the reality of the true price of our bourgeois "quality of life". (posted by Gonzalo Cesar