We would be truelly be burying our heads in the sand not to realise that some thing evil this way comes and, that could be race war. As you will see from below 'race' is coming more on to the agenda of European Politics and along with it the rise of 'Right Wing' Nationalism bordering and slipping over the boundaries of what is and what is not 'fascism'. The Roma are in particular being picked on in Italy and France almost as Jews were once, they are for most part of East European ethnicity as were the Jews entering Europe and Britain in the 19th Century fleeing from pogroms in Russia. Both France and Italy have pro -active policies aimed at deporting the Roma 'Back Home', I have been to Paris and seen on the walls plaques signifying where Jews were rounded up and sent to concentration camps. That is not an history any people can be proud of or want to see reminders of in their own times, such we should remember. As Wales as a generally good relationship with Roma, many 'Welsh Roma' as Italian migrants have integrated into traditional Welsh Communities, settling down into Welsh Life. There is a difference between Roam aka Gypsies and 'Travellers' as the Roma themselves are aware of, problems there are a matter which are usually resolved by local authourities before matters are likely to get out of hand. Most immediate attention however, is the plight of the Children of Libya particularly of the besieged City of Misrata, surely now is the time Wales must open it's doors to these children same as we opened our doors to the besieged children of Euskadi during the Spanish Civil War. There are strong Muslim Communities in Wrecsam, Swansea, Cardiff and Newport who could organise such 'Sacntuary Wales', not just 'Sanctuary Swansea'. Backed by the Welsh Assembly and local Authourities these Muslim Communities could organise respite and holidays for truamatised children and the 'Orphans of War'. This should be percieved as a matter of urgent consideration, see below information:
Swansea News | City of Sanctuary
Over the last two years Swansea's City of Sanctuaryinitiative has gathered ...
www.cityofsanctuary.org/swansea/news - Cached
www.cityofsanctuary.org/swansea/news - Cached
First they came for the Jews, then the Roma and now it's refugeees from North Africa. Both Italy and France are being faced with a Refugee Crisis and are reacting in a way that appears to be a game of 'Pass The Parcel':
Boatloads of Tunisians land in Italy, sparkingrefugee crisis ...
14 Feb 2011 ... Boatloads of Tunisians land in Italy, sparking refugee crisis ... for Italy, which has called for a European Union summit in response. ...
www.csmonitor.com/.../Boatloads-of-Tunisians-land-in-Italy-sparking-refugee-crisis - Cached
19 Apr 2011... defended i
Where will this all end? Whatever, no use avoiding the issue as it is heading toward Britain and no doubt as in Europe will fan the flames of racism and fuel the rise of Fascism as in Europe. T
here is an immense refugee crisis building up with many 1000's of Tunisians, Egyptians and Libyans, seeking Assylum in the West whilst others, the sub Saharan migrant workers have no desire to return home but seek a new life with all it's benefits in the West. This is now kicking of right wing and racist reaction throughout Europe, already in Italy the Lombard League is threating central Government and France is turning back train loads of immigrants. Yes! this is going to get very messy indeed, Cameron might have British people distracted via the Royal Wedding for a month or two but it want last forever. When the people of Britain wake up, they will find the country economically in a worse mess due to an on going war without end, yes another one. As other European Countries Britain will have possibly 1000's more Assylum Seekers to care for in a situation of spiraling downward economic situation, such are the ingredients that Fascism feed on. All of which will contribute to the rise of the right wing Nationalism and Fascism in Europe, both often 'partners in crime 'so to speak.
Right-wing politics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
These right-wing nationalists endorsed ethnicnationalism and believed in .... By World War I however, in most European monarchies, the Divine Right of ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-wing_politics -Cached - SimilarNews for European Right Wing Nationalism
CTV.caElections in Finland and rise of nationalism all over Europe1 day ago Considering that, the right wing conservative National Coalition, ... just an incomplete list of West European countries, where radicalnationalist parties ...RIA Novosti - 1633 related articles - Shared by 5+
One as only to see documentaries on the Yesterday Channel regards Right Wing East Eurpean Nationalism during WWII to see where Nationalism can go bad. So what of Europe today, not just the Nation states but the minority micro Nations as Catalonia which because of 'Language Issues' is closer to certain 'Cymric Concerns' regards 'Culture and Language'. In the not too distant past the Meibion Glyndwr 'Arson War and later rise of groups as Cymuned and Llais Gwynedd with much talk of a 'Mewnlifiad aka 'White Flight' caused controversy and much disquiet with talk of rural Wales becoming a 'Montana'. That is as member of the now defunct Welsh Independence Party stated, rural Wales had become home to 'White Flighters', if not 'White Suvivalists' then 'Greens' as in Montana. It cannot be lost on many Welsh that Nick Griffin BNP who opposes immigrants is in fact an 'Economic Immigrant' to Wales himself.
Welcome to Montana, CA "White flight" changes the face of environmental politics in the West by Richard Manning. Commentary. Welcome to Montana, CA ...
race director colin clews explained sadly, despite much morale support being ... hyn a welid fel diffyg ymateb Plaid Cymru i broblem y mewnlifiad i Gymru. ...
MEIBION GLYNDWR and the Mewnlifiad Arson War 1979 - Alternative ...
30 Sep 2010 ... The word 'Mewnlifiad' is very rarely spoken these days but one would have to be totally on another planet if one is not aware that there is ...
welshpatriot.blogspot.com/.../mewnlifiad-fawr-2010-and-white-flight.html - Cached
That was then, no one concerned about 'Cymraeg Culture' in Cymru/Wales anymore speaks in terms of 'white Flight' or 'Mewnlifiad' having had their bottems smacked and knuckles rapped by the Anglo - Welsh and English media, labeling radical 'Language' Cultural Nationalists of Gwynedd in particular, the 'Taliban?'. So, what could be on the horizon?:
Videos for European Nationalism and immigration
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17 Apr 2011 ... Finland - 'True Finn' party expected to make significant gains ... However, analysts say the centre rightNational Coalition party has ...
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Lega Nord influenced the government also on illegalimmigration, ... historical references to the anti-imperialistLombard League; the warrior on the party emblems .... and an end to public money to help big businesses facing crisis,..... (and current) participation in government under Berlusconi (2008–present). ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lega_Nord - Cached - Similar
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lega_Nord - Cached - Similar
13 Mar 2011 ... These contradictions are particularly glaring in the Lombard province of Brescia. ... Other NorthernLeague towns have banned immigrants from speaking their...Some people were very much against it, but many citizens supported it. ... Humanitarian Needs Expected to Mount If Libyan Conflict Persists ...
Scholarly articles for European Nationalism and immigration | |
![]() | Does left/right structure party positions on European … - Hooghe - Cited by 372 The Basques, the Catalans and Spain - Conversi - Cited by 96 Nationalism and Bounded Integration What it Would … - Cederman - Cited by 121 |
In the past the immigrant problem was such that it appeared to be a threat in main to the existing E.U. Nation States, the larger ones that is as Britain, France, Germany, Spain and Italy. Not the smaller Nations as Finland or the European 'Nation States in Waiting' as Catalonia.
3 Jan 2007 ... Settling in the fiercely nationalist region ofCatalonia in Spain has proved challenging for a recent wave of immigrants. ...
news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/crossing.../6226305.stm -Cached - Similar
news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/crossing.../6226305.stm -Cached - Similar
As Catalonia there are a signifigant number of European 'Micro Nations' that for centuries have felt threated by immigrants, Wales has been no different. Welsh Taffia/Cymric Crachach establishment does not like to dwell on this historical fact but our own history has had contentious Colonising issues as in the Flemish Settlements and English Borough Towns of the Middle Ages:
BBC - Wales - History - Themes - Flemishimmigrants
15 Aug 2008 ... It was a move that created a divide in Pembrokeshire that exists to this day, between the nativeWelsh and the incoming Flemish/English. ...
www.bbc.co.uk/wales/history/sites/.../migration_flanders.shtml- Cached - Similar
www.bbc.co.uk/wales/history/sites/.../migration_flanders.shtml- Cached - Similar
Almost all the towns surrounding the castles in the Marches of Wales were largely populated with Anglo-Norman and English settlers and the Charters granted ...
www.fflint.co.uk/charters.html - Cached
www.fflint.co.uk/charters.html - Cached
The settlers called themselves "the English burgesses of the English boroughs of Wales" and proclaimed that the new towns had been raised "for the ...
en.wikipedia.org/.../Cultural_relationship_between_the_Welsh_and_the_English - Cached
Of course hostility to the above Colonists, Military and Economic immigrants would take a very violent fom as a consequence of Welsh Revolts. Later Welsh History would come to be littered with often violent racist abuse of outsiders as the Jews and Irish in Particular:
12 Mar 2008 ... VILLAGES and towns named after Bethlehem, Bethesda and Hebron give the impression thatWales has always warmly embraced Jewish culture.
www.walesonline.co.uk/.../wales.../discovering-troubled-history-of-the-jews-in-wales -91466-20609331/ -Cached - Similar
17 Jan 2011 ... The racism against the Welsh in England was never on the scale of the racism unleashed upon the Irish and other migrant communities but ...
hwbhanes.blogspot.com/.../1911-welsh-racism-no-new-thing-2011.html - Cached
hwbhanes.blogspot.com/.../1911-welsh-racism-no-new-thing-2011.html - Cached
There has been also in our history Racist abuse against the Chinese and Coloured Peopls in Cardiff also in recent times in Wrexham against Kurds and now Muslims, a Mosque was recently burnt down in Wrecsam. Indeed North East Wales appears to b an 'Racist Hot Spot' that is further complicated by the opposition by some Welsh Nationalist Groups towards English 'Immigrants':
It is called the WEST CHESHIRE / NORTH EAST WALESSUB REGION PLAN. ... (and Conwy to a certain extent) with the North West English areas of west Cheshire and Merseyside. ... It is a massive threat to welsh identity and language. ...
www.killingwrexham.com/ - Cached
www.killingwrexham.com/ - Cached
Increased Polish Immigration into Wales has also been causing resentment, the Poles are fiercly Nationalist and devout Catholics. No doubt considering no need to accomodate English or Welsh Culture and with an History as theirs who can blame them?
BBC - Wales - History - Themes - Irish immigration
15 Aug 2008 ... An article about Irish migration to Wales, on the BBC Wales History website.
www.bbc.co.uk/wales/history/sites/.../migration_ireland.shtml- Cached - Similar
www.bbc.co.uk/wales/history/sites/.../migration_ireland.shtml- Cached - Similar
Disinclined to celebrate diversity, the Viking "immigrants" brought terror, .... In 1911 the English and Welsh census recorded 53324 foreign-born Germans.42 ...
www.sovereignty.org.uk/features/articles/immig.html -Cached - Similar
www.sovereignty.org.uk/features/articles/immig.html -Cached - Similar
New Statesman - Wales: England's oldest colony
23 Apr 2007 ... The word "Wales" in Old English means "land of foreigners", while "Cymru" in Welsh means "land of friends", and the Welsh word for England, ...
www.newstatesman.com/politics/.../welsh-language-wales-england - Similar
www.newstatesman.com/politics/.../welsh-language-wales-england - Similar
by RR Davies - 1974 - Cited by 9 - Related articles
The Principality of Wales in the Later Middle Ages, i, South Wales I277-I536 .... office-structure of colonial Wales, both in church and state, was ...
The Principality of Wales in the Later Middle Ages, i, South Wales I277-I536 .... office-structure of colonial Wales, both in church and state, was ...
Food for thought and considered D&D, this year being 2011 the 100th Anniversary of Race Riots in Wales. A most appropriate time to hold a Commemorative Conference that discusses the history and issues related to all the above. Why not in Tredegar, that's one perhaps for the Bevan Foundation or otherwise in Wrecsam during Eisteddfod Week, that's one for Plaid Wrecsam to consider maybe?:
27 May 2005 ... Rubinstein, William D. - The anti-Jewishriots of 1911 in South Wales: a re-examination. (WelshHistory Review, vol. 18 December 1991) ...
www.jewishgen.org/jcr-uk/community/.../history_riots.htm- Cached - Similar
www.jewishgen.org/jcr-uk/community/.../history_riots.htm- Cached - Similar
The Bevan Foundation is the social justice think tank for Wales. It carries out research, publishes reports and articles, and organises discussions and ...
www.bevanfoundation.org/ - Cached - Similar
www.bevanfoundation.org/ - Cached - Similar
Plaid Wrecsam: True Finns
17 Apr 2011 ... Cynghorwyr Plaid Cymru WrecsamCouncillors. Arfon Jones (Gwersyllt W), Marc Jones (Whitegate), Carrie Harper (Queensway), Barrie Price ...
wrecsamplaid.blogspot.com/2011/04/true-finns.html -Cached
wrecsamplaid.blogspot.com/2011/04/true-finns.html -Cached